Installation on Windows

You need to install the HelpWire Operator application on your computer in order to establish connections with your remote clients.

Download the app either when setting up your HelpWire account, or later from the App Center in your account, or when connecting to a remote client for the first time.

Downloading HelpWire for Windows from the App Center
Once downloaded, take the following steps to install the app:
  1. Open the downloaded file to begin the installation;

  2. Read the HelpWire Terms of Service carefully and select I agree to the Terms of Service. Click Install;

    Agreeing to the HelpWire Terms of Service when installing the app

  3. Click Finish to complete the installation.

    Completing the HelpWire installation process by clicking the Finish button

Installation on macOS

To install HelpWire Operator on macOS, do as follows:

  1. If you skipped the Download step when creating your HelpWire account, download the app from the HelpWire App Center or when connecting to a remote client for the first time.

    Downloading HelpWire for macOS from the HelpWire App Center
  2. Locate the DMG file in the Downloads folder on your computer and double-click it.

    Locating the downloaded HelpWire app file on macOS
  3. Drag the Helpwire Operator icon into the Applications folder in the window that will open.

    Dragging the HelpWire Operator app to the Applications folder

  4. Now the Helpwire Operator icon can be found in the Applications folder on your Mac.

Installation on Linux

HelpWire Operator installation on Ubuntu 22.04 (64-bit), Debian 12 Bookworm.

Install via Software Center

  1. Download the HelpWire Operator DEB package from the App Center in your HelpWire account.

    Downloading the HelpWire DEB package from the App Center
  2. Right-click the downloaded file and select Open With Other Application from the context menu.

    Using the option ‘Open With Other Application’ to open the HelpWire app file
  3. Select the Software Install app and click the Select button at the top right. This will open the Software Center window from which you can install the HelpWire app.

    Note: The Software Center app must be installed on your computer to accomplish this.

    Selecting the Software Install app to install HelpWire

  4. Click Install.

    Using the Install button in the Software Center window to install HelpWire
  5. Next, authenticate the installation by entering your password and clicking Authenticate.

    Entering your password to authenticate HelpWire installation

  6. The installation will begin once authenticated.

  7. The red ‘Delete’ icon will be shown at the top right after the installation is completed.

    Once HelpWire is installed, the Delete icon will appear in the Software Center window
  8. Once installed, the HelpWire shortcut will appear among your installed apps.

    Finding HelpWire among your installed apps

If you start the application separately, you can only establish a one-time remote desktop session (aka Quick Connection) with your client. In that case, the chat history and the information about the interaction won’t be saved in your HelpWire account.

Install HelpWire via the command line

To install the HelpWire Operator package along with dependencies, open the terminal and run the following:

sudo apt-get update

To install Python dependencies:

sudo apt-get install python-is-python3

To install the HelpWire Operator DEB package:

sudo apt install '/home/atest/Downloads/helpwire-operator.deb'


sudo dpkg -i '/home/atest/Downloads/helpwire-operator.deb'

If any dependency problems occur, run the following command to finish the installation of the HelpWire Operator package:

sudo apt-get install -f

HelpWire Operator installation on Fedora Linux 40 (64-bit), CentOS 9

Install using the Software Install app

  1. Download the HelpWire Operator RPM package from the App Center in your HelpWire account.

    Downloading the HelpWire RPM package from the App Center
  2. Right-click the downloaded file and select Open With Software Install from the context menu:

    Selecting the option “Open with Software Install” to install HelpWire
  3. Click Install.

    Using the Install button to begin HelpWire installation
  4. Enter your password and click Authenticate to authenticate the installation:

    Entering your password to authenticate HelpWire installation on Fedora

  5. When the installation is completed, the Install button will change to Open.

    When HelpWire is installed, the Install button will change to Open
  6. Once installed, the HelpWire shortcut will appear among the shortcuts of your installed apps.

    Finding the HelpWire icon among your installed apps

If you start the application separately, you can only establish a one-time remote desktop session (aka Quick Connection) with your client. In that case, the chat history and the information about the interaction won’t be saved in your HelpWire account.

Install via the command line

To install the HelpWire Operator RPM package along with dependencies, open the terminal and run the following command:

sudo dnf install '/home/atest/Downloads/helpwire-operator.rpm'


sudo rpm -i /home/atest/Downloads/helpwire-operator.rpm

If you get an error message indicating that some dependencies are missing, install the missing dependencies manually and run the following command again:

sudo rpm -i /home/atest/Downloads/helpwire-operator.rpm

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