The online HelpWire account allows personal, general, and company settings to be adjusted.


To open the settings, select Account Settings under the profile picture in your HelpWire account:

The HelpWire account settings

a) Change your photo, name, and email address;

Editing personal information in your HelpWire account

b) Edit the company information, including your company logo and name;

Editing company information in your HelpWire account

Invited Operators do not have the ability to edit the company details:

Company settings for an invited Operator

c) Leave the company you’ve been invited to;

Leaving the company you’ve been invited to

d) Adjust the general settings including date and time;

Choosing the date and time formats in your HelpWire account

e) Reset the password for your account;

Setting a new password for your HelpWire account

f) Permanently delete your HelpWire account.

Deleting a HelpWire account
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