Available in HelpWire Operator for Windows and HelpWire Operator for macOS when connecting to clients with Windows OS.

Upon your client’s approval, you can run applications on their workstation with admin privileges.

To access the supported workstation with administrator rights, do as follows:
  1. Start a remote support session with your client and connect to their workstation remotely.

  2. Click the Request admin access button on the toolbar of your HelpWire Operator app.

    Clicking the Request admin access button on the Helpwire Operator app toolbar
  3. Wait for the client to approve admin access to their workstation.

    Waiting for the client to grant admin access
  4. Upon receiving the request for admin access, the client should click the Grant access button to allow you to access their workstation with administrator privileges.

    Responding to the request for admin access in the client’s app

  5. Once granted, the client is asked to confirm whether they want to allow the app to make changes to their device.

    To confirm, the client should click Yes.

    Confirming the HelpWire app restart with admin rights on the client’s side

  6. In order for the changes to be applied the HelpWire Client app will restart. Upon restart, the connection with the client will be restored in the HelpWire Operator app, and you will be able to control the client’s workstation as administrator.

    Chat window showing that Operator now has admin access to Client's workstation

  7. The respective status “Admin access granted” will appear on the toolbar in the HelpWire Operator app.

    Notification “Admin access granted” on the HelpWire toolbar
  8. The admin access status will also be shown under the client’s remote screen tile in your HelpWire account.

    Notification “Admin access granted by the client” in the HelpWire account

Restart HelpWire as administrator from the Client app on Windows

Using the HelpWire Client app’s Restart as administrator feature provides an additional way to gain administrator access to the client’s workstation.
To initiate the admin access, when already remotely supporting your client, click the HelpWire icon at the top left of the Client app’s window and select Restart as administrator from the app’s menu.
Restarting as administrator from the HelpWire Client app

Your client will be asked to confirm whether they want to allow the app to make changes to their device (you will not see this prompt in your HelpWire app window). Once the client clicks Yes, their HelpWire app will be restarted and you’ll be able to access their computer with administrator privileges.

Confirming the HelpWire app restart with admin rights on the client’s side
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